Hungry all the time as usual and I have to spoon feed her every 2 hours. She quite used to the spoon instead of syringe or kitty bottles. So far no poop yet! Just some urination. Enjoy the photos.
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Hi Thomas,
I stumble into your blog yesterday by pure chance and I have read most of it, from the beginning. I was on YouTube looking for some videos, when I saw the link to the video of Alera's wheelchair. So I followed the whole story of this cat and tears came to my eyes.
It's wonderful to see how great you are with all thos unlucky pets. You must be experiencing major expenses indeed.
I have two cats home and several other cats are where I work. These ones need a lot of attention and care, so I know what it means to go everyday to the vet and pay the bills.
Well, I'm so glad I found your excellent blog and I'll follow you as much as I can.
Read you soon, meanwhile keep up your great job!
One day you'll be rewarded!!!
this poor poor kitty :( I'm crying just sitting here typing this..what happen to this little baby? :( :(
Antonio from Italy.......I tip my hat to you! You and Thomas are angels on Earth!! Thank you for being so good to the animals!! God bless you two!
Angela, if you are the same Angela B. that I read on www.care2.com you have all my admiration!!!
You set up the whole thing for the wheelchair to Ngo in a wonderful and touching way.
You are great! And people like you are what this world is worth living for.
I hope I can be of help for someone of you someway one of these days.
I keep on reading this blog and if any help is needed I'll do my best!
Sorry for my poor English :-)
God bless you all!
Adorable and so small.
Glad she's so well taken care of by your family and you.
Antonio from Italy....I am the Angela B. you have been reading about at Care2 website. Like you, I am an animal lover and avid animal activist. The only thing that is missing in my life is being unable to provide money to the ones (like you and Thomas) that need help helping animals on their countries. I would leef much better if I could help financially...Thomas is a wonderful young man that was born to help the defenseless animals in his country. I thank God every day for cross paths with Thomas and other great animal lovers. Please, feel free to email anytime: naligirl45@yahoo.com
Oh my God. My heart is in pieces. Looking at this kitten just hurts so damn much.
Excuse my language - but you are a f....ing hero in my books. You are amazing and special and perfect and...words fail me.
Thank God for people like you.
Excuse my language - but you are a f....ing hero in my books. You are amazing and special and perfect and...words fail me.
Thank God for people like you.
each of us makes what is in their possibilities. If I were rich I'd build a huge sanctuary for every kind of injured or helpless animal, but I'm not rich and I give what I can.
Even love and care and attention are good when they come from the heart,
I will write to you as soon as my computer at home is restored. I'm experiencing some troubles with the operating system.
Antonio...I will be looking forward your email :)
Thomas, again, thank you for all you do my friend!
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