
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Donation Via PayPal December 2007

Total donations via PayPal received for the month of December 2007 were $382.59 USD :)

To all donors! Again, I am SPEECHLESS and GRATEFUL and THANKFUL.


ps : donations are in pending mode as they are still in my PayPal, once every penny has transfered to my debit card account, will updated again in Malaysian Ringgit. Please note we( Malaysian ) are allow to cash out up to $500 USD per day with the transaction fee of $5 USD. I shall use the fund in PayPal to pay the wheelchair.


Nalagirl said...

Thomas, you deserve every dolar!! 2007 was the year where you save many lives, starting with baby Alera! You gave confort and love for the ones that did not make it, they crossed the Raimbow Bridge with dignity and love given by you! You deserve my respect as a human being and my devotion as a animal lover. I will always be there for you! And I am very happy that other animal lovers can see how caring you are. The way we say "Thank You" to you is to send you money. You need it in order to save more lives. Thank you my dear friend! It is an honor to be your friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

A Life Connected